// // Fichier de Configuration TTDPatch, créé automatiquement par // TDPatch -W [fichier-cfg]. // (TTDPatch 2.0 beta 1 (Windows)) // // Format des options: // nom_option = valeur_option // // Le "=" et les espaces peuvent être omis puisqu'ils sont ignorés. // // Pour les options de type marche/arrêt [y/n], la valeur peut être: // Marche: yes, y, on, 1. Arrêt: no, n, off, 0. // Si la valeur est omise, la valeur par défaut est "yes" (option activée). // // Pour les options à valeur numérique [v], la valeur par // défaut est indiquée dans la description. L'option peut être désactivée // en indiquant une valeur du type' arrêt' (cf ci-avant). // // Les commentaires commencent par n'importe quel caractère non-alphabétique. // // **** New switches **** // `aiboost' (-A) augmente le "facteur de suite" de l'IA. aiboost 0 // `autorenew' (-Xa) renouvellement des machines qui ont servies ce nombre de mois en plus de leur durée de vie (-128 à 127) Défaut -6. autorenew -128 // `bribe' (-Xb) ajoute la possibilité de corrompre dans le menu des communes. bribe on // `bridgespeedlimits' (-XX) changes the speed limits on tubular monorail and maglev bridges to this percentage of the highest maximum engine speed in the class. Range 25..250. Default 90. bridgespeedlimits 90 // `buildoncoasts' (-YC) makes it possible to build on coasts or riverbanks without having to use the dynamite tool first. buildoncoasts on // `buildonslopes' (-Yb) makes it possible to build tracks, roads and stations on sloped land, on a foundation like houses. buildonslopes on // `cdpath' (pas de switch) définit le chemin d'accès du CD. cdpath // `cheatscost' (-Xo) rend les panneaux de triche payants. cheatscost on // `curves' (-c) rend les plus rapides dans les grands virages. Valeur à deux chiffres codée en bits, par défaut 13. curves 120 // `cusmultiplier' (no command line switch) sets the exchange ratio for custom currency CUS * 1000. Default is 1000 (1 CUS = 1 pound). Active only if `morecurrencies' is enabled. cusmultiplier 1000 // `debtmax' (-L) active l'emprunt/remboursement maximum en pressant 'Ctrl'. debtmax on // `disasters' (-XD) allows you to choose which disasters may occur. Bitcoded value, default 255 (all disasters). disasters 255 // `diskmenu' (-Xm) ajoute le chargement dans le menu disque et le chargement d'un jeu dans l'éditeur de scénario (sauvegarde avec 'Ctrl') diskmenu on // `electrifiedrailway' (-XE) removes one of the magnetic track systems (Monorail or MagLev) and replaces it with an electrified railroad system. electrifiedrailway on // `enginespersist' (-P) préserve les -vieilles- machines tant qu'elles sont utilisées. enginespersist on // `enhancegui' (-YG) enhances the user interface. Bitcoded value, range 0..15. Default 0. enhancegui 0 // `errorpopuptime' (-YE) changes the time after which red error popup windows automatically close. Range 1..255 (in seconds), or 0 for a very long time. Default 10. errorpopuptime 10 // `eternalgame' (-Xe) allows you to keep playing forever, the date isn't reset after 2070. eternalgame on // `experimentalfeatures' (-XF) enables the latest experimental features. experimentalfeatures off // `extpresignals' (-Xw) autorise le cycle : normal, pre-signaux, sorties et signaux combinés avec 'Ctrl'. extpresignals on // `extradynamite' (-D) permet le dynamitage de davantage de choses. extradynamite on // `fastwagonsell' (-Yw) allows faster wagon selling with Ctrl fastwagonsell on // `feederservice' (-Xf) modifie le déchargement forcé dans une station acceptant la cargaison et stocke le frêt sans rémunération. feederservice on // `forceautorenew' (-XA) forces servicing of vehicles when it is time for the auto-renewal (see `autorenew'). forceautorenew on // `forcerebuildovl' (-Xr) reconstruit TTDLOAD.OVL ou TTDLOADW.OVL à chaque lancement du jeu. forcerebuildovl off // `fullloadany' (-F) fait que les trains quitte une gare si un *seul* type de cargo est complet. fullloadany on // `generalfixes' (-g) corrige diverses petites chose. Voir la documentation for des infos plus précises. generalfixes on // `gotodepot' (-Xd) allows you to add depots to vehicles' orders. gotodepot on // `gradualloading' (-Xg) changes the way vehicles are loaded to a more realistic gradual loading (also activates `loadtime'). gradualloading on // `keepsmallairport' (-k) préserve les petits aéroports pour toujours. keepsmallairport on // `largertowns' (-XT) makes each one out of a given number of towns grow faster and larger (also applying `towngrowthlimit' selectively). Range 1..32. Default 4 (one out of four towns). largertowns 4 // `largestations' (-l) autorise l'agrandissement ou l'allongement de gares, jusqu'à 7x7. largestations on // `loadallgraphics' (-XG) forces TTDPatch to always load all .grf files in newgrf(w).txt, regardless of whether they were used previously in a loaded game (etc.) or not. loadallgraphics on // `loadtime' (-q) active un différent algorithme de calcul des temps de (dé)chargement. loadtime on // `longbridges' (-B) autorise les longs ponts (-> 127 cases). longbridges on // `lowmemory' (-Z) permet TTDPatch à s'exécuter avec 2.5 Mo de mémoire, mais réduit la valeur max. pour la table étendue de véhicules à 2. lowmemory off // `mammothtrains' (-z) autorise les trains mammouhts avec jusqu'à 126 wagons. mammothtrains on // `manualconvert' (-Ym) allows manual track type conversion by placing new tracks over existing tracks. manualconvert on // `miscmods' (-Yo) makes it posible to modify the working of some other switches, see the docs on more info. Bitcoded value, default 0 (no modifications). miscmods 0 // `moreairports' (-J) permet la construction du plus de 2 aéroport par ville. moreairports on // `morebuildoptions' (-YB) enables more build options. Bitcoded value, range 0..15. Default 15. morebuildoptions 15 // `morecurrencies' (-XC) enables more currencies and the Euro. Parameter: 0 - curr. symbols at default place; 1 - curr. symbols before numbers; 2 - curr. symbols after numbers. Add 4 to the above value to disable the Euro. morecurrencies 0 // `morehotkeys' (-YH) enables new hotkeys. morehotkeys on // `morenews' (-N) generates messages/news reports on more events, see the docs for more information. morenews on // With `moretownstats' (-Yt) additional statistics are displayed in town information windows. moretownstats on // `morevehicles' (-x) augmente le nombre total de véhicules à valeur*850. Valeur: de 1 à 40, par défaut 20. morevehicles 10 // `mountains' (-m) rend les trains plus rapides sur les montagnes. Valeur à deux chiffres codée en bits, par défaut 13. mountains 120 // `moveerrorpopup' (-E) moves all red error popups to the top-right corner of the screen. moveerrorpopup on // `multihead' (-M) permet un nombre arbitraire de locomotives sur un train. Achetez les locomotices supplémentaires avec 'Ctrl'. multihead 35 // `newagerating' (-Ya) makes station ratings more tolerant to vehicle ages. Now wagons can be up to 21 instead of 3 years old. newagerating on // `newplanes' (-XP) activates new aircract models with new graphics. newplanes on // `newrvcrash' (-Yr) changes train/road vehicle crashes. 1 makes the train break down after the crash. 2 disables train/road vehicle crashes at all. Default: type 1 newrvcrash 1 // `newrvs' (-XR) activates new road vehicle models with new graphics. newrvs on // `newships' (-S) changes the ship models to a bigger variety, with more refitting options. newships on // `newtrains' (-T) activates new train models with new graphics. newtrains on // `noinflation' (-I) désactive l'inflation, pour les coûts comme les revenus. noinflation on // `nonstop' (-n) fait se comporter différemment l'option "Non-stop". nonstop on // `officefood' (-O) permet aux tours de bureaux d'accepter la nourriture (scénarios tropical/arctique). officefood on // `planecrashcontrol' (-Xc) permet de contrôler quand les avions vont s'écraser. Valeur booléenne, défaut 1 (Vraie). planecrashcontrol 1 // `planes' (-p) augmente le nombre maximum d'avions et d'hélicoptères. Valeur: de 1 à 240, par défaut 240. planes 240 // `planespeed' (-YP) makes planes fly at their indicated speed, not a quarter thereof, and reduces speed to 5/8 in case of a breakdown. planespeed on // `plantmanytrees' (-Yp) allows planting more than one tree on a square, or over a rectangular area with Ctrl. plantmanytrees 3 // `presignals' (-w) permet l'usage des 'pré-signaux' automatiquement pour améliorer la gestion des gares. presignals on // `roadvehs' (-r) augment le nombre maximum de véhicules routiers. Valeur: de 1 à 240, par défaut 240. roadvehs 240 // `rvqueueing' (-R) fait que les véhicules routiers se mettent en file devant une station au lieu de tourner en rond aux alentours. rvqueueing on // `saveoptionaldata' (-Xx) makes TTDPatch save and load additional (optional) data at the end of savegames. saveoptionaldata on // Avec `selectgoods' (-G), les produits arrivent uniquement après que le service ait été inauguré. selectgoods off // `semaphores' (-YS) turns new signals built before 1975 into semaphore signals. semaphores on // `servint' (-i) permet de changer l'intervalle de service initial des nouvelles machines. Valuer: de 1 à 32000, par défaut 16000. servint 16000 // `ships' (-b) augmente la nombre maximum de navires. Valeur: de 1 à 240, par défaut 240. ships 240 // `showfulldate' (-d) always show the full date in the status, not only when the game is paused. showfulldate on // `showspeed' (-Xs) affiche la vitesse actuelle pour tous les véhicules dans leur barre d'état. showspeed on // `signal1waittime' (-X1) changes the number of days after which a train waiting on a 1-way signal turns around. Range 0..254, or 255 to wait forever. signal1waittime 70 // `signal2waittime' (-X2) changes the number of days after which a train waiting on a 2-way signal turns around. Range 0..254, or 255 to wait forever. signal2waittime 20 // `signalsontrafficside' (-Ys) displays railroad signals on the same side of track road vehicles drive on. signalsontrafficside on // `signcheats' (-s) active les codes de triche. signcheats on // `spread' (-e) rend possible des stations plus étendues. Valeur: de 1 à 255, par défaut 20. spread 255 // `stableindustry' (-Xi) prevents industries from closing down if Economy is set to Steady in Difficulty settings stableindustry on // `startyear' (-XY) sets the default start year for random games and allows greater choice of starting years in the scenario editor. Range 1921..2030. Default 1930. startyear 1930 // `subsidiaries' (-XS) allows you to manage AI companies if you own 75 subsidiaries on // `tgractstationexist' (no command line switch) defines how much the existence of active stations increases the growth rate of a town (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range -128..127. Default 5. tgractstationexist 5 // `tgractstations' (no command line switch) defines how much each active station increases the growth rate of a town (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 0..255. Default 10. tgractstations 10 // `tgractstationsweight' (no command line switch) defines how effectively active stations contribute to the growth rate of a town (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 0..255. Default 55. tgractstationsweight 55 // `tgrfizzydrinksinoptim' (no command line switch) defines the optimum population per each 2 incoming fizzy drinks in the toyland climate (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 1..255. Default 30. tgrfizzydrinksinoptim 30 // `tgrfizzydrinksinweight' (no command line switch) defines how effectively incoming fizzy drinks contribute to the growth rate of a town in the toyland climate (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 0..255. Default 30. tgrfizzydrinksinweight 30 // `tgrfoodinmin' (no command line switch) defines the minimum food requirement of towns in snow-covered or desert areas, in population per 2 tons of incoming food (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 1..255. Default 80. tgrfoodinmin 80 // `tgrfoodinoptim' (no command line switch) defines the optimum population per each 2 tons of incoming food (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 1..255. Default 20. tgrfoodinoptim 20 // `tgrfoodinweight' (no command line switch) defines how effectively incoming food contributes to the growth rate of a town (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 0..255. Default 30. tgrfoodinweight 30 // `tgrgoodsinoptim' (no command line switch) defines the optimum population per each 2 crates of incoming goods (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 1..255. Default 20. tgrgoodsinoptim 20 // `tgrgoodsinweight' (no command line switch) defines how effectively incoming goods contribute to the growth rate of a town (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 0..255. Default 20. tgrgoodsinweight 20 // `tgrmailinoptim' (no command line switch) defines the optimum population per each 2 bags of incoming mail (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 1..255. Default 25. tgrmailinoptim 25 // `tgrmailinweight' (no command line switch) defines how effectively incoming mail contributes to the growth rate of a town (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 0..255. Default 10. tgrmailinweight 10 // `tgrmailoutweight' (no command line switch) defines how effectively transported mail contributes to the growth rate of a town (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 0..255. Default 10. tgrmailoutweight 10 // `tgrpassinmax' (no command line switch) defines the maximum number of incoming passengers that can affect growth of a town (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 0..65535. Default 5000. tgrpassinmax 5000 // `tgrpassinweight' (no command line switch) defines how effectively incoming passengers contribute to the growth rate of a town (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 0..255. Default 40. tgrpassinweight 40 // `tgrpassoutweight' (no command line switch) defines how effectively transported passengers contribute to the growth rate of a town (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 0..255. Default 40. tgrpassoutweight 40 // `tgrsweetsinoptim' (no command line switch) defines the optimum population per each 2 bags of incoming candy (sweets) in the toyland climate (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 1..255. Default 20. tgrsweetsinoptim 20 // `tgrsweetsinweight' (no command line switch) defines how effectively incoming candy (sweets) contributes to the growth rate of a town in the toyland climate (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 0..255. Default 20. tgrsweetsinweight 20 // `tgrtownsizebase' (no command line switch) defines the base number of town buildings for the calculation involving `tgrtownsizefactor' (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 1..255. Default 60. tgrtownsizebase 60 // `tgrtownsizefactor' (no command line switch) defines how much the size of a town influences its growth rate (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 0..255. Default 63 (i.e. 25% influence). tgrtownsizefactor 63 // `tgrwaterinmin' (no command line switch) defines the minimum water requirement of towns in desert areas, in population per 2 tons (2,000 liters) of incoming water (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 1..255. Default 80. tgrwaterinmin 80 // `tgrwaterinoptim' (no command line switch) defines the optimum population per each 2 tons (2,000 liters) of incoming water in the sub-tropical climate (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 1..255. Default 20. tgrwaterinoptim 20 // `tgrwaterinweight' (no command line switch) defines how effectively incoming water contributes to the growth rate of a town in the sub-tropical climate (see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 0..255. Default 30. tgrwaterinweight 30 // `towngrowthlimit' (-Xt) changes the factor that limits the maximum possible extent of towns. Range 12..128. Default 80. towngrowthlimit 80 // `towngrowthratemax' (no command line switch) defines the maximum growth rate of towns, in new houses per century. Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 10..4800. Default 960. towngrowthratemax 960 // `towngrowthratemin' (no command line switch) defines the minimum growth rate of towns, in new houses per century. Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 0..255. Default 20. towngrowthratemin 20 // `towngrowthratemode' (-YT) makes it possible to define rules for the calculation of the growth rate for towns. Mode: 0 - TTD original, 1 - TTD extended, 2 - custom. See the docs for more information. towngrowthratemode 2 // `townminpopulationdesert' (no command line switch) defines the minimum population to which towns in desert areas can grow even without food and water supplies. Active if `towngrowthratemode', `towngrowthlimit' or `generalfixes' is enabled. Range 0..255. Default 60. townminpopulationdesert 60 // `townminpopulationsnow' (no command line switch) defines the minimum population to which towns in snow-covered areas can grow even without food supplies. Active if `towngrowthratemode', `towngrowthlimit' or `generalfixes' is enabled. Range 0..255. Default 90. townminpopulationsnow 90 // `tracktypecostdiff' (-Yc) makes different track types have different cost. tracktypecostdiff on // `trainrefit' (-f) rend possible le changement du contenu des locomotives dans un dépot. trainrefit on // `trains' (-t) augmente le nombre maximum de trains. Valeur: de 1 à 240, par défaut 240. trains 240 // `unifiedmaglev' (-XM) makes it possible to buy monorail engines in maglev depots or vice versa. Mode: 1 - convert all maglev engines to monorail; 2 - convert all monorail engines to maglev; 3 - keep separate monorail and maglev. unifiedmaglev 1 // `verbose' (-v) affiche le sommaire des options avant le lancement de TTD. verbose off // `win2k' (-2) rend la version Windows de TTD compatible avec Windows 2000/XP. win2k on